Introduction: With a rapid increase in industries from the last few decades, equally corresponding increase in the hazardous materials in process. The industries became larger and often situated in or close to densely inhabited areas. Therefore it is need of the day to develop comprehensive approach to the prevention of human and economic loss or any occurrence associated to the hazards. In the forthcoming paragraphs we will discuss in detail hazards, risks associated to hazards and how preventive measures can be taken to minimise the risks of any accident with reference to the Restaurants (McDonalds Restaurants Ltd).Before to go further one should know what hazard means and how it can be defined. The most common definition of the word Hazard is, “A potential source of harm or adverse health effect on a person or personsâ€. The word hazard has many definitions but most common when talking about workplace health and safety is; “A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone under certain conditions at workâ€.